Wandering and Lost: What is the Way?

Father God, help me find the way.


I keep trying to find my way.

What is the way?

What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ?

What does it look like to follow the Bible?

Why do I feel so lost and confused?

What is the way?

Why do I keep trying to find my way, but only confuse my way all the more? I get so tangled up in trying to find my way I end up stumbling.

I keep searching, wandering, and meandering on the path in front of me and hope I keep taking the right/correct fork in the road.

What is the way?

The more I try to find my way (thinking I am lost and need to try to get back on track), the more lost I become.

What is the way?

I want to live the full purpose the Lord has for me and no less. I want to bring him glory.

But, how do I do that? What does that look like?

What is the way?

And how do I find my way in the Bible and through it? How do I make sense of it and live it?

What is the way?

How do I remain in him and in the Word? What does that look like?

What is the way?

How do we meditate on the Word day and night, like it says in Psalm 1?

What is the way?

What does the Lord want of my life?

What is the way?

Abba, help me stop wandering. Help me find the way. Help me find the right path to take. Help me live your purpose, the purpose you have for me and my life.
