How are you today and in our crazy, mixed up world?

Journal your thoughts about each of the following:

~ How are you? 

~ How are you today with the latest world events? 

~ Our world is crazy and mixed up today and has been for about a year. 

~ How do you handle national events?  (Emotionally,  Mentally, Spiritually, Socially, etc.)

~ How do you handle events in another country? (Emotionally,  Mentally, Spiritually, Socially, etc.)

~ How do you handle world events? (Emotionally,  Mentally, Spiritually, Socially, etc.)

~ How do current events impact you? (Emotionally,  Mentally, Spiritually, Socially, etc.)

~ Is there anything you can do to help with these current events (help make things better and not cause more problems and division)? 

~ Likely, there is nothing you can do today or tomorrow to help current events. So what can you do to help yourself have a better reaction to these events? 

~ Journal through your reactions. Capture them on the page. Write them out. As you do this,  purge the yuck that might be going on inside of you. 

~ Then, journal how you can have a better response to current events. Most current events are outside of our control. Therefore, changing our response to one more positive and healthy is far more beneficial. 

~ Letting things go that we cannot control is the key. But, in order to ensure we do not dwell and focus on the challenge,  we need to do something else to occupy our mind. When we choose to think about something different, and something healthy in spite of the current events is key. What healthy things can you do to occupy your mind? Journaling is one of these things. And in your journal: Count your blessings, capture a memory, make some plans to live your purpose, write a letter to a loved one, list some goals you have in the next year (2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.), pray, dream, plan, remember, and/or do several journaling prompts. Keep your mind occupied on your own life and on what you can control, which is your reaction to this moment. 

~ Journal anything else you want.
