Living by the moments

The original name of this blog post and journal entry was this:

"Many ideas through the years have fallen before the finish line (along with the best of intentions): Failures and falling short"

This is what I want to address. Because, you see:

I have learned through the years, and through much heartache and sweat-equity, how our best ideas and best of intentions can fall flat and can burn like the morning toast. And often do so well before the finish line.

I bet you know what I am talking about. I do not think I am alone in this.

We say to ourselves:

"I want to do..."

And we really want to.

We even make plans.

We even try that idea.

Then we stop. And don't. For whatever reason.

This is true with life in general.

And oftentimes professionally.

But the worst one is spiritually.

Then for people like me, who are writers of material about the Bible, this is the hardest fall before the finish line that can happen. Consequently, it takes a toll on us.

We know we are to finish the race. Paul even tells us this in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

So how many races do we run and how many do we run and fail at, because we don't even cross the finishline in life?

For me, it has been thousands. 

And I know it well as a writer and as a journal keeper. 

This failure can be overwhelming. 

The worst part is how many ideas I have had, that I thought God endorsed. And I failed and did not finish the race.

Falling short is a sin. Romans 3:23 tells us this very clearly.

So imagine that thousands of failures. Those thousands of sins lining up in your life.

And when you go run the next race of the next idea you want to do for God, and you face the corpses of all the previous failes ideas or projects, as obstacles all along your current race.

(I know I am not the only one here who has faced this.)

So what do you do after that happens for well over a decade? (Well over 3,650 sins and failures...)

How do we handle this?

How can we do right by God?

How do we move on from all this?

How do we try again?

What does that even look like?

Is it even possible?

I have recently and finally learned to live by the moments with God. 

Do not worry about the last moment, or the next moment. 

Rather live fully and intentionally in this present moment with God. As I aim to listen to Him at least 75% during that time.

That is the key.

I am still learning this, but my life has changed in every way since I have really grasped this.

It is harder to fail and fall short when I am trying to live and love so fully in every moment.

The moments are so much more beautiful because of it and that has helped me see and know God in amazing, new, glorious ways.

The moments are what life is all about. They are the building blocks of a life. They are our stories.

When we string enough fully lived with God moments, we have an amazing day, week, month, quarter, year, decade, and life.

And our ideas are given to us by God.

And we focus on the idea in only this moment as we are fully present with God and listen at least 75% of the time of this moment, we find we cross each finish line since the race is each moment.

We stop falling short.

And we do what God wants.

And we do it with God.

Which means we fully live.

Because the moments have been lived well with God and have been sustained.

Living fully by the moments, for everyone and everything in our lives. With God. Directed by God. Means we live the best lives possible on Earth.

And our ideas are God-given and sustained by Him. By and in the moments. And we cross the finish line every moment. With Him by our side.

This is where I am at.

I am trying to learn to fully live. With God. By the moments. And do so this way.

And the ideas flourish. For they are truly His.

And you might say I am doing with each journal entry. With each blog post. In each moment. With God.
