My Journaling and Blogging Plans for 2022 (??? Maybe ???)

How interesting. I just found this blog post:

I did that blog post in January 2021 and it looks like something I would like to try (aim for) in 2022.

Now I need to take some time and think on this. This actually sounds like a really good plan. For my personal journaling. For my professional journaling. For journaling how-to and prompts to share with you. 

I think I might have a plan for 2022 after all. (Thank You, Lord!) We shall see.

The fact is, I cannot promise anything yet. I am too emotionally wiped out and realize I need to have a period of self-reflection and recovery (rejuvenation) before I have much to offer anyone. I need to have, and do, some self-care and then try to share my journey with you and share tips on journaling with you. 

But the fact is that blog post has been a dream of mine since 2010 or so. So this is really resonating. Again, we shall see.
