
The last three days

Devotional Stories of Journaling Through the Bible Series is a work in progress (and the writing plan)

A journey of reading through the Bible (Devotional Stories of Reading Through the Bible: A Love of Journaling Series)

Why do we undervalue and minimize the things of eternal value?

When we want to hear God... And when we want to make sure we are hearing God clearly...

A whole new day (and way) of Reading the Bible

My latest frustration in reading the Bible (and the subsequent AHA moment)

Committed to this lifelong pursuit of journaling through the Bible from chapter to chapter, book by book

Journaling Through the Bible: A Lifelong Pursuit (The Purpose for This Blog)

Isaiah 1: Journaling Through Isaiah (The Main Page for Isaiah 1)

Why am I sharing the stories of my reading, praying, thinking, meditating, and journaling through the Bible?

Why am I starting my reading through the Bible with Isaiah?

The Book of Isaiah: Journaling Through Isaiah (The Main Page)

What makes reading the Bible so hard?

Reading through the Bible is hard

Devotional Stories of Journaling Through the Bible: An Introduction, Part 1

What is my purpose?

One step forward, six steps backward

Journal Keeper